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Darby Crash: I love those who do not know how to live, except in perishing, for they are those that go beyond. I love the great despiser's, because they are the great adorers. They are arrows longing for the other shore. I love those who do not seek beyond the stars for a reason to parish and be sacrifice; but who sacrifice themselves to earth in order that earth may some day become... supermans. Tell me, my brothorin, if the goal be lacking to humanity is not humanity itself lacking; it is time for man to mark his goal. It is time for man to plant his germ of his highest hope.

Darby Crash: I just made Robby the drummer for The Germs.
Pat Smear: We can't play with Rob.
Darby Crash: I know.
Pat Smear: Oh, so you're not just killing yourself, you're killing our band. Darby, The Germs are the only thing any of us have really cared about...
Darby Crash: The Germs are dead, Pat. And you know that.

Darby Crash: Everything works in circles. Like sometimes you're doing something, and a year later you're back at the same point. You understand that? So circle one, is what we're doing now, and someday we'll probably do circle two.

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