
Tini Tini Tini

Studio album by Tini Stoessel
Tini Tini Tini
Album Type Studio Album
Release Date 3 December 2020
Year(s) Recorded 2019–2020
Album Length 36:48
Record Label Hollywood
Universal Latin
Music Producer Alfonso Pérez
Andrés Torres
Chris Hierro
Mauricio Rengifo
Martin Martinez
Music Genre(s) Latin pop
Tini Tini Tini (stylized in all caps) is the third studio album by Argentine singer Tini, released on December 3, 2020, by Hollywood Records and Universal Music Latin. The album spawned eleven singles: "22" with Greeicy, "Suéltate El Pelo", "Fresa" with Lalo Ebratt, "Recuerdo" with Mau y Ricky, "Ella Dice" with Khea, "Duele" featuring John C, "Un Beso en Madrid" with Alejandro Sanz, "Te Olvidaré" and "Playa".


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