Steve Barker: Peter's another name for weaner.
Special Olympics Athlete: You're a faker.
Thomas: a mother-faker!
Steve Barker: Jeffy doesn't understand! Jeffy cocoa for cukoo pops, uhh... Jeffy...
Special Olympics Athlete: Shut up you stupid a-s-s!
Winston: Hey steve, ask me *any* movie.
Steve Barker: Okay, hmm..."Jaws"
Winston: That's a good movie.
Steve Barker: What's in that?
Glen: Milk, eggs, and meat.
Steve Barker: What kind of meat?
Glen: Raw meat!
Steve Barker: Can I have a slice of your doody?
Mark: I've seen better acting on porno
Steve Barker: Peter's another name for weaner.
(repeated line)
Billy: Oh my-lanta!
Gary: We need to come up with a slogan. You know, like "Life is like a box of chocolates.", or "Take my hands, boss." like that monster tard off of "Green Mile."
Winston: Hey steve, ask me *any* movie.
Steve Barker: Okay, hmm..."Jaws"
Winston: That's a good movie.
Thomas: Goodbye, Hooker Lady!
Billy: Oh, Mylanta! You *are* my woman!
David Patrick: We stopped off for ice cream.
Winston: When the fuck did we get ice cream?
Thomas: I would definitely bring protection.
Lynn Sheridan: (to David) Go away, asshole!
Billy: (laughs) Lynn said A hole with S's!
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