God gave us the gift of life. It is the most precious gift ever. To be unarmed is to be helpless to protect that gift; that is outright irresponsible.
He's a weenie, I'm glad he's dead.
On South Africans:
Apartheid isn't that cut and dry. All men are not created equal. The
preponderance of South Africa is a different breed of man. I mean that with
no disrespect. I say that with great respect. I love them because I'm one of
them. They are still people of the earth, but they are different. They still
put bones in their noses, they still walk around naked, they wipe their
butts with their hands � These are different people. You give 'em
toothpaste, they fucking eat it ... I hope they don't become civilized.
They're way ahead of the game
I'm a fun guy, not a sexist or a racist. I use the word nigger a lot
because I hang around with a lot of niggers.
On Hillary Clinton:
A "Toxic cunt This bitch is nothing but a two-bit whore for Fidel Castro.
I met a couple guys in line yesterday who go, 'Write something to my
girlfriend, she won't let me go hunting.' I wrote her something and I said,
'Drop dead, bitch.' What good is she, trade her in, get a Dalmatian. Who
needs the wench?
On the Confederate Flag:
Those politically correct motherfuckers can take the flag down but I am
going to wear it forever.
A "despicable act" performed by "guys that have sex with each other's anal
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