

Lovewins over a year ago

When are he and J Welch going to get married and have babies?

hyperjamie over a year ago

He is such an underrated actor. He hardly stars in many films

bobbyklien over a year ago

Great looking guy ! How handsome ! Great actor too

smashave over a year ago

He is a great actor I can't believe he dated two hot beautiful women that's cool :))

Nônô over a year ago

I think that Taylor Kitsch is a very good actor, with a promissing career ahead him. Sadly, for now, and in what concerns to movies where he entered, I just saw "The Covenant", but I hope soon see the others. I also think that it is amazing how he looks so different in his various roles, simply he does not look the same person, not only because his visual changes according the role he plays, but also because it seems that he enters with true heart and soul in what he does. Although I only saw one movie as I said before, that is what seemed to me, when I see some scenes of the others movies, such "Savages", and especially "The Bang Bang Club". As far as I know, this movie is an independent one, and usually, those are the best, with very interesting characters and stories, so I think those are the ideal roles for him to play. He only must be discovered by tehe right people. Besides that, one of the four of the photo-journalists - João Silva - is portuguese, like me.

CraigSnyder over a year ago

I liked him on Friday Night Lights, Wolverine and Battleship.

Melanie over a year ago

He has some serious down-time coming up this year before promoting his two new films gets under way in the fall. If the build on his house is complete, maybe a spring/summer wedding? Would they get married in Austin or Canada?

Denny over a year ago

Wow!!! The girl is gorgeous. No wonder he didn\'t like doing the love scenes with Blake, you can see the guy\'s in love. How cute would their babies be? Why does he keep saying he\'s single, when he\'s not? I would love to see him married and a Daddy.

Suzy over a year ago

He is dating a beautiful Austin blonde girl. You can see a photo of her on the Taylor Kitsch Fan Forum. He\'s looking very, very happy. Hoping there is a wedding soon, with little baby Kitsch on the way!

Renee over a year ago

I\'d say the ring he wears around his neck pretty much screams "TAKEN". Sorry ladies. I wouldn\'t be a woman if I said I wasn\'t disappointed, but I\'d prefer to enjoy his talent anyways. Not like I\'m gonna see this guy walkin down the street someday, but he\'s great at his job and works hard. Those are great qualities in any person. Whomever she is, she\'s a lucky girl. :)

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