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Snow White: (from official trailer; as she enters the Dwarfs' cottage) Hello, is there anybody here?

Snow White: (from teaser trailer; singing as she's about to dance with the Dwarfs) So... whistle while you work!

Huntsman: (from official trailer; to Snow White) The queen is evil; you must flee into the woods.

Doc: (from official trailer; to Snow White) You'll be safe from the queen here.

Evil Queen: (from official trailer) Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
Magic Mirror: Famed is thy beauty, Majesty... but a lovely maiden I now behold.

Evil Queen: (from teaser trailer) Magic Mirror on the wall... who's the fairest... one of all?

Evil Queen: (as the hag; from official trailer; to Snow White) I'm sorry, my dear... did I frighten you?

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