Do you have a pay pal account, because you can make an additional 1500 week after week in your pay check working at home five hours each day, look at this..
Rob Kardashian targets ex with revenge porn, has Instagram account deleted
Rob really needs to stop with the "woe is me" act, and he has a tendency to act like a rude jerk sometimes. Quit mooching off your family, and do something with your life!
Rob is actually the ONLY natural and good Kardashian like he has no Plastic surgueries and he hasn't gone bad like his 3 sisters and hes always left out or hurt! :(
Poor rob everyone he's been with says he was horrible in bed and that he had a small one. I mean rita ora cheated on him with Jonah hill. If that's not a big slap in the face what is. Rob step your game up!
Rob, I have some investors for a dance show and they asked me to reach you. Don\'t know how so a visit from you would be appreciated....thanks...
Robert K JR is hot!! hot!! hot!!! I think he should step up his girlfriend status to a more "high" class girl though!!!
i think rob n i make a better couple lol. he is my crush we can just do. it we dont need a relationship for that lol. u r cute. n to adorable to b in serious relationships wit serious ladies. malika was ur best choice.
kimkim15 | 3,198 points | |
Nightstar | 409 points | |
Queenoftab | 131 points | |
serena112 | 60 points | |
Pgenter | 52 points |
my buddy's sister makes $70 /hour on the computer . She has been out of a job for 8 months but last month her paycheck was $14224 just working on the computer for a few hours. check my source ●▬▬▬▬ஜ ஜ▬▬▬▬●