

cboothe977 over a year ago

1645 Vine Street

eagle39 over a year ago

shared a link:

halfgoofy over a year ago

shared a link:

QueenMystique over a year ago


DarkMarc over a year ago

Here's an amusing story while Rita was filming The Wrath Of God (1972, MGM) One night during production when the film company was in Mexico City, publicist Tom Miller dined out with Rita Hayworth. When they got back to her hotel, there was much excitement. The Mexican equivalent of the Academy Awards were being presented in the large convention hall in the hotel. Rita was very much excited, "Let's go!" Rita said. Miller replied, "But Rita, we don't have an invitation!" She looked back at him and said, "But, I am Rita Hayworth!" And Miller said, "So you are." He spoke to someone at the door, who excitedly ran up to the front of the room and whispered to the MC, who announced to the crowd the presence of a surprise guest. And she went up on the stage to a standing ovation.

Ano7Niem over a year ago

Vincent Sherman the director of Affair In Trinibad also slept with Rita Hayworth.

sandysh9res over a year ago

my grandpa had a major crush on her- he once told my grandma he married her cos she reminded him of rita!! i love her in gilda.

magicfairy117 over a year ago

Mary, could you please stop your trolling. You\'ve proven enough that you don\'t know a thing about Rita. So please stop adding names to the list that don\'t belong here. It\'s outrageous what you\'re doing.

magicfairy117 over a year ago

It`s funny how some obsessed Glenn Ford fan is coming here every day to vote for him, while there is no evidence that Rita and Glenn were ever more than just friends!

joe price over a year ago

rita hayworth is swell, i loved gilda !

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