

Eileen Knight over a year ago

I simply adore you. You are so funny. I enjoy your show so much I live in Sebastian, Fla.

kathleen m botts over a year ago

miss you on t.v hope you are well.god bless. just in U.S.A

Irene Granström over a year ago

I live in Sweden and withouth these wonderful actress life would not have been the same. So often many late evenings this wonderful characeter has saved me and giving me a blessfull nights sleep. So many laughters and huge big happy smiles!!! Thank you dear Patricia for showing me how my own future will become, everyone in my social network claims that I will turn out to be the same, and guess what; I AM REALLY LOCKING FORWARD TO IT!!!!!!

susan mills over a year ago

I met Patricia in England in 2001, and she is only 5 tiny as I am, and we stood next to each other, so I know just how tall she is.She is a very private person.She can be very cordial, and polite, but really keeps to herself, and feels that the only obligation she has to fans is to give a good performance.

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