Agent Strark: The guy never showed up, Whitlock.
Matt Lee Whitlock: Agent Stark...
Agent Strark: Yeah. You know, I don't care if you're injured or not - I want that evidence money... or you're gonna be looking at a case of your own...
(walking up to Whitlock with a gym bag) Hey. Hey. Where the hell is Southeast 63rd street in Miami?
Matt Lee Whitlock: 53rd street, Chae.
Chae: No.
Matt Lee Whitlock: I told you 53rd street, not 63rd.
Chae: No, you did not.
Matt Lee Whitlock: Yes I did.
Chae: You did not.
Matt Lee Whitlock: Southeast...
Chae: I can quote you. You said: "Those assholes from the DEA are at 8400, Southeast 63rd street."
Matt Lee Whitlock: No I did not. I'm very sorry. What I said, was: 'Those assholes from the DEA are at 8400, Southeast 53rd', Chae.
Chae: 63rd.
Matt Lee Whitlock: Fifty... never mind - just give 'em the money. Give 'em the money. Give 'em the money.
(to agent Stark)Matt Lee Whitlock: You don't have to count it, it's all there. Have a safe ride home.
Agent Strark:
(to the two other agents) Come on.
Matt Lee Whitlock:
(to Chae, after agent Stark left) It is all there, is it?
Chae: Mmh, most of it... it's all there.
Matt Lee Whitlock: That was pretty good, eh?
Chae: Mmh, was a little over the top...
Matt Lee Whitlock: Over the top? Which part?
Chae: Your part.