

MichaelJ2540 2 years ago

Oh yummy yummy

halfgoofy over a year ago

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halfgoofy over a year ago

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halfgoofy over a year ago

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halfgoofy over a year ago

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halfgoofy over a year ago

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dragonsphere over a year ago

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Don't forget Emilia Clarke, since tomorrow is my payday, I'm buying you a STARBUCKS Gift Card, and hopefully, you will be able to pick it up at any London, UK STARBUCKS. :)

dragonsphere over a year ago

Sorry this isn't the best shot, but my step-dads hands were a bit shaky. I'm wearing a 3 piece green suit, with grey silk tie. What you don't see, is a silver cross that I'm wearing around my neck, and hangs outside, over my tie... On December 3rd, 2017; or the first Sunday in December, of 2017, I earned the Rite Of Acceptance, in the Yakima Catholic Church. One of the priests, Father Peter, agreed when I told him, Emilia Clarke was my greatest inspiration for movie script writing, pursuing my dream to be an actor, and to join the Catholic Church. I told Father Peter, that even though Emilia never wrote me back, or thanked me for the souvenir gifts I sent her a long time ago, I believe that one can witness to another, by their actions. Father Peter agreed. And I would have absolutely loved to have Emilia Clarke as my sponsor, since she went through Catholic Proc-real School, and the Catholic Boarding School for young ladies, (like our public high schools). So I dedicate this part of my life, on behalf of Emilia Clarke. I wish she could be at my baptism, but I'm sure I might yet get a chance to see her in London, UK when the time comes for me to emigrate their, as a first ever American-Englishmen emigrant seeking citizenship in a brave new world: for me anyways... With the Rite Of Acceptance now received, I'm not yet Catholic, as they say its called; " Catecumate". Did I spell that right, anyone? Anyways, I'm a candidate to make it simpler, according to Father Phillipe, who is in the same church. On February 3rd, 2018~ I'll be receiving the next part, known as Rite Of Election, and I'll be announcing my adopted Godmother, who accepted my invitation, because I guess I need one. LOL, I've soo much to learn. Maybe I'll see Emilia in a Catholic Church in London, UK. It would be so awesome to meet her mom. Though I'll confess, my American accent will be out of place, right? So, my baptism, would be 8PM on the Easter Vigil, and then there is Confirmation. So, this is a major change in my life. Still struggling to raise $35,000 to emigrate to London, UK but I'm keeping the faith. Thanks Emilia Clarke. @EmiliaClarke

archer1203 over a year ago

dragonsphere, weirdo stalker. And this is Nathalie Emmanuel's page not Emilia Clarke's you dumbass.

dragonsphere over a year ago This is a specil message from Facebook, as I decided to become Catholic

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