Here she isssssssss! Jacqueline Bracamontes, husband Martin Fuentes, and big sis Mini Jacky present the latest addition to the gang. Carolina was born less than a month ago yet she’s got an “Hola” magazine cover. A beautiful family!
She’s pregnant again! Jacqueline Bracamontes is once again with baby! This is great news especially knowing how she was expecting twins during her last pregnancy and ended up losing one during birth. Jacky says she and her husband are very happy ...
Too cute! Jacqueline Bracamontes has shared a latest and greatest pic of her daughter with the world. The proud parents say at three months she weighs in at 5 Kilograms and that half of that is all cheeks! Remember, Jacky’s baby spent the first ...
Jacqueline Bracamontes and her husband, Martin Fuentes, are asking for your blood. They shot a campaign video to encourage people to donate blood and help out. According to stats done by ‘Dona En Vida’, about a thousand donations are needed ...
This news involves mixed feelings. Jacqueline Bracamontes gave birth to her twins last night. Unfortunately, her baby boy didn’t make it due to breathing complications. She said it has been a hard moment, but at the same time she is happy that ...
The picture perfect family in one take! Jacqueline Bracamontes confirmed that she is pregnant...and with twins. Well, now we know a little more about the babies to come! She is having a boy and a girl! The ultrasound revealed that she is indeed having ...
Baby buzz about Jacqueline Bracamontes! The actress is rumored to be pregnant right now – one magazine even going as far as to say that she is a little over two months in the process. Fans awaiting news about her becoming a mother were hit with ...
Is Jacky Bracamontes¡ husband trying to give her a heart attack?? First he banged himself up while water skiing and now this!! Her man Martin Fuentes was driving a high-speed race car when suddenly another vehicle lost control and literally flew in ...
Jacqueline Bracamontes¡ man had a nasty fall in the water! The actress¢ husband, Martin Fuentes, was water skiing and, as you can see in the photo, he loves to do jumps and tricks. On one of those fancy maneuvers, he fell hard on his head. Speed + ...
Mexico¢s most attractive couple? Quién magazine has published a list of the ten most attractive couples and they selected Jacqueline Bracamontes and Martin Fuentes for the cover! It¢s only been six months since they married and they are already ...
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