Named "The Bombshell" of 2007 by Vibe Magazine, as part of their Hot 100.
Spokesperson for Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
Won the prestigious National Speech and Theater Championship Award for 2 years while at College of DuPage.
Attended College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn in early 1990s. Went to Naperville North High School in Naperville, Illinois.
Is a volunteer supervisor and spokesperson for Criminon, an international, non-profit organization which addresses the cause of criminality and seeks to rehabilitate inmates.
Received the distinguished Golden Eagle Award for the most promising actress in 2001.
Originally from the Chicago area, she currently resides in Los Angeles.
Speaks conversational Italian.
She became a member of Church of Scientology when she was introduced to it by her chiropractor.
Received an "introducing" credit for The Princess & the Barrio Boy (2000) (TV) although it was her eighth movie.
Is of Romanian-Hungarian descent on her father's side and of Mexican descent on her mother's side. She never met her father.
Marisol has never met or interacted with her biological father.
While auditioning for various roles in Chicago, Marisol worked at gas stations and restaurants.
She worked continuously at one job or the other since the age of 14.
While in school, she was a girl scout. She also learned to play Tee-ball and took dance and gymnastics classes.
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