

Aparecido 1 year ago

Hoje 01/06 é o aniversário de Mario Cimarro! Today 01/06 is the birthday of Mario Cimarro! Feliz Aniversário! Muita paz, saúde, realizações, sucesso e bênçãos! Abraços! Happy Birthday! Peace, health, achievements, success and blessings! Hugs! Eu te amo, Mario Cimarro! I love you, Mario Cimarro!

Aparecido over a year ago

Hoje 01/06 é o aniversário de Mario Cimarro! Today 01/06 is the birthday of Mario Cimarro! Feliz Aniversário! Muita paz, saúde, realizações, sucesso e bênçãos! Abraços! Happy Birthday! Peace, health, achievements, success and blessings! Hugs! Eu te amo, Mario Cimarro! I love you, Mario Cimarro!

Essomezeou over a year ago

I like your personality. I would like to invite you one day in my country

Essomezeou over a year ago

Hello Mario CIMARRO,

eunice over a year ago

love your soaps and the way u act. luv uuuu

Fattou over a year ago

je ne sais pas si Mr Cimarro Mario va lir ce message mais je voudrais lui dire que je le trouve super dans la serie de El Diablo et si je peux avoir une dedicace Merci

Lean Gamata over a year ago

ur one hot guy...i love your soaps..never had a dull moment watching you. i wish you would read my yah

Bless kataka over a year ago

Hi how are u, it bless i really really need a friend and i know u are the only person who can be my friend. i don't have any friend that is why i want to be your friend. i know it is not by force to make friend to someone that u don't know but i only wanted a good friend and i know that u are that good friend. pls i want an answer to my question. will u like to be my friend? am not a bad person. i am someone who is kind loving person and also funny a lot. when u agree to be my friend then send ur email so that we can be chating. my mother and my uncle's wife also want to be ur friend. we really want to be ur friend. we are dying to meet u. pls we need an answer from u. pls do not think we want ur money or to harm u. answer, answer pls give us an answer. pls we are not bad people. we want an answer right now. thank you.

Tagbo Celestine over a year ago

Hello this celestine again i really like your film. God love u bye.

BLESS KATAKA over a year ago

hello this is bless agian. do you know you are great actor. pls how can i be chating with you. have a good day.

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