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Married 3 times.

John Dunbar got custody of their son Nicholas after the divorce.

The first time the F-word was spoken in a movie was by her in I'll Never Forget What's'isname (1967).

Poet Allen Ginsberg, an old friend, named her "Professor of Poetics, Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poets."

Now a grandmother of two living in Ireland.

Reportedly working on a follow-up to her 1994 autobiography, "Faithfull", which is being turned into a screenplay.

Through her mother, Marianne is a direct descendant of Count Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, the infamous 19th century Austrian nobleman whose classic erotic novel, "Venus in Furs", spawned the word "masochism".

Some of the lyrics to The Rolling Stones' song "Wild Horses" were allegedly about her break-up with Mick Jagger.

September 2006 - According to her website, Marianne is being treated for breast cancer. The prognosis was stated to be excellent.

Has made a full recovery from breast cancer after undergoing surgery (November 6, 2006).

Attended a Roman Catholic girls school in her youth.

Lives in Paris with her manager François Ravard.

In 1967 she was among those arrested in a drug raid by British police at the residence of Keith Richards.

Her mother was a baroness, her father was an officer in British Intelligence.

The Rolling Stones' song "As Tears Go By" was written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards--their first collaboration--for her.

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