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I didn't really love Mick when I was first with him, I was just obeying Keith.

Maybe the most that you can expect from a relationship that goes bad is to come out of it with a few good songs.

"Once (Mick Jagger) came straight off stage to the hotel where I was waiting and he was absolutely terrifying. He was like somebody possessed. I don't think he even knew who I was. He still had his make-up on and there was a froth of spittle around his mouth and his eyes were violent and he was making grunting sounds. He didn't say a word; just those god-awful grunts. He picked me up and slammed me against the wall. Several times. Afterwards, I don't think he even remembered it.

I took drugs because we all took drugs.

The way I choose to show my feelings is through my songs.

I think I'm really powerful. They'll smash me, probably.

Rebellion is the only thing that keeps you alive!

I never trusted anybody at all. I don't know why it was so hard, I just didn't.

Once, (Mick Jagger) came straight off stage to the hotel where I was waiting and he was absolutely terrifying. He was like somebody possessed. I don't think he even knew who I was. He still had his make-up on and there was a froth of spittle around his mouth and his eyes were violent and he was making grunting sounds. He didn't say a word; just those god-awful grunts. He picked me up and slammed me against the wall. Several times. Afterwards, I don't think he even remembered it.

The voice of God, if you must know, is Aretha Franklin's.

The really explicit phrase is doors of perception.

I think drugs were used by me as a way of suppressing my natural spirit.

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