

Joseph over a year ago

I have it from reliable sources that Ms. Testolini dates Mr. Benet for photo ops and red carpet appearances that benefit the both of them. Other than this professional relationship, Mr. Benet has a personal relationship with a lady who doesn`t make red carpet appearances.

Mya over a year ago

True. Eric`s got a girlfriend. I heard this woman works for the tour Eric was on for public appearances.

Diana over a year ago

Eric`s got a girlfriend. Maybae these are publicity photo ops.

tonya over a year ago

that is exactly what i was thinking, trading your faith for fame in a world that is passing away. it is as solomon said "striving after the wind"

Belisse de Landron over a year ago

Well, it is obvisous to me that she is no longer a dedicated baptize Jehovah Witness. How sad that she found a way to gain the spot light in a world that is doomed, seems she know very little of the commitment it takes to be a faithful witnesses. As long as there is life there is still time for change..

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