
Leslie Stahl and Aaron Latham (Couple)

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Leslie Stahl and Aaron Latham
Date Dating 1973
Date Married 17 February 1977
Relationship Type Married
Relationship Status Married
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Latham, 34, and now an editor of Esquire, had met Lesley. That happened in August 1973 when Aaron was scrounging for Watergate anecdotes and was advised to contact Stahl, then a CBS rookie covering the story. Lesley was not thrilled at the request. " 'How dare you call me at home? If you want to talk, call me tomorrow at the office,' she barked, and then slammed down the phone," Aaron recalls. Dutifully he obeyed, and they agreed to meet the next afternoon. "I said, my God, I'd better turn on the TV to see what this person looks like," he remembers. He did and "was terrified. I thought, 'She's so beautiful.' My heart stopped, my mouth dried up and I said, 'What have I got myself into?' " Meanwhile Lesley had checked out Latham's credentials and to his surprise suggested dinner. "I found out I didn't have to worry about whether or not I could talk," he laughs, "because I never got the chance." "Oooh, cruel," Lesley moans.


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Taylor  Female

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