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"Desert Island Trysts"
the A list Magazine [United Kingdom] (11 February 2000), page 5, by Kevin O'Sullivan
"Ich bettelte um mein Leben"
Widescreen Magazine [Germany] (1 November 2006), page 23, by Jenny Cooney/Thomas Raab
"Es war kein Spaß"
Widescreen Magazine [Germany] (12 February 2003), page 28-29, by Karen Martin/Silke Tittel
"Ich gehörte anfangs nicht in diese Welt"
Widescreen Magazine [Germany] (15 January 2003), page 28-29, by Karen Martin/Silke Tittel
"Beaucoup de filles sexy m'ont déjà proposé de me tailler des pipes dans les toilettes..."
Entrevue Magazine [France] (January 1998), page 36-37, by Harold von Kursk
"Leo set to rise again"
The Independent Arts and Books Review Magazine [United Kingdom] (19 November 2004), page 10-11, by Carlo Bizio
"Jag gillar inte kärlekshistorier"
Aftonbladet Magazine [Sweden] (9 January 1998), by Magnus Sundholm
"DiCaprio: Zac Goldsmith meets Hollywood's Mr Green"
The Independent: Extra Magazine [United Kingdom] (21 August 2007), page 2 - 5, by Zac Goldsmith
"Leonardo DiCaprio se quita la máscara"
Cinemanía Magazine [Mexico] (April 1998), page 48-51, by Leslie Fastlicht Kurian
"Jobban csípem az akciófilmeket"
Joy Magazine [Hungary] (January 2000), page 32-34, by Viktor Kókai Nagy
"The Sandman"
Film Review Magazine [United Kingdom] (March 2000), page 60-65, by Dave Roberts
"Beach boy"
Evening Standard Hot Tickets Magazine [United Kingdom] (4 February 2000), page 2+3, by Gavin Martin
Magazine Interview 1920
Total Film Magazine [United Kingdom] (April 1997), page 60, by Ivan Waterman
"A Made to Measure Performance"
Newsweek Magazine [United States] (5 April 1993), page 56
"Ein cooler Romeo"
Stern Magazine [Germany] (1997), page 48-50, by Frances Schoenberger/Claus Lutterbeck
"new york * milánó * erkenschwick"
Cinema Magazine [Hungary] (November 1996), page 70-72, by Roland Huschke
Magazine Interview 1910
Cinema Magazine [Greece] (April 2000), page 66-69
"The Rolling Stone Interview"
Rolling Stone Magazine [United States] (2 March 2000), page 70-79, by Chris Mundy
"Hot Actor:Leonardo DiCaprio"
Rolling Stone Magazine [United States] (19 May 1994), by Cohen, Rich
"How To Be a Young Actor"
Harpers Bazaar Magazine [United States] (November 1995)
"On the beach with DiCaprio Chatting about movies and life, the golden boy is happy as a clam "
USA Today Magazine [United States] (19 January 2000), by Claudia Puig
""I Needed Something Different""
Parade Magazine [United States] (12 December 2004), page 6-9, by Dotson Rader

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