

JChristine over a year ago

Toni Garm biography: claim to fame: Leonardo DiCaprio

lisa runnels over a year ago

scorpio and cancer could be made for each other

Lilly over a year ago

It won't last. She's 21 and playing the feild, she's the same age as selena Gomez..... Think about it! But cancer and scorpio is a match. Oh gosh and selena is a cancer. Wow.....weird. I would think Leo will find a lovely woman won day. He describes a Taurus, I'm another star sign. But he's out of my age zone, he's too old for me. But he seems lovely :)

BluePearlAngel over a year ago

They look cute together and a Scorpio and a Cancer, That's a match.

k. jones over a year ago

I am a cancer lady also. And I have been in a relationship with a scorpio man, very passionate but sometimes very difficult to deal with him. I hope Leonardo is not like that. Good luck to both of them.

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