

wjerryz over a year ago

An unforgettable actress RIP

cboothe977 over a year ago

1724 Vine Street

eagle39 over a year ago

shared a link:

TwoCents over a year ago

Omigosh. She was so beautiful, intelligent, classy woman. R.I.P. and on to her next journey.

mrbubi over a year ago

A fabulous "look", feline eyes and a class all of her own!

Errikats over a year ago

she is like a sin.. she is gorgeous... i really love her..

BacallYall over a year ago

Lauren Bacall DID swing both ways. Not a big deal. Most did.

Richard over a year ago

Even though he is on the list I dont think Lauren liked Frank Sinatra very much. I think it was Laren who first came up with the term the Rat pack,to describe, Frank, Sammy Davis Junior, Dean Martin, Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop. Sintara was a racist and a friend of the mafia. Alec Guinness(who is not on the list) had a big soft spot for Lauren,as he often called her by her real name Betty. She was friends with Alistair Cooke too!

C.C. over a year ago

Who the heck is Betty Kelly? I just googled that encounter and there`s no evidence of it except here. Lauren Bacall didn`t swing both ways. WTF?

jose guardino neto over a year ago

Lauren Bacall,sou brasileiro,sou parente de Harry Guardino ou Harold V.Guardino,desejo saber se ele tem filhos,gostaria de saber sobre a filiação do Harold,nome da mãe,pai,para saber se ele é filho da irmã do meu bisavô.Achei a senhora na internet eu tenho 59anos e Oh,Brzil is a beautiful country.I`m from São Paulo.

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