

Tess over a year ago

Jani doesn`t like physco`s? That is a bit of a contradiction dear... he is with someone who has a child with his band mate... that is a bit disgusting, she must be off her rocker.

Lydia over a year ago

WOW... I thought this was a joke... She looks like DARIO... CREEPY. Anyway I heard Jani is really drunk and tmz said there is a warrent out for his arrest... so I guess this chick who likes getting with the whole band is keeping him that way. Hey at least his old gf kept him sober!!!

theresa over a year ago

Trashy didn`t she have a kid with someone else from warrant? Or at least was with one of them? Jani must be wasted wake up Jani and look to your side see whats next to you RUN!

bagterror over a year ago

Jealous, old bags...sorry Jani doesn`t like psycho`s.

knowitall over a year ago

LMAO! I wouldnt even hit that...what the hell happened Jani Lane? If this is where the Down Boys go-count me out!!!

annie over a year ago

What eyes? Yeah, you look so cool with a beer in one hand a cig in the much for stayin` sober, Jani.

bagterror over a year ago

What an amazingly beautiful girl!! Those eyes are piercing!!

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