"Anywhere I can be with my family" - Jared on the happiest place on earth.
When asked about his superstitions: "Whenever I drive under a yellow light, I always kiss my finger and tap it on the roof of the car. And I do that when I get onto a plane as well!"
"I'm so happy with my family, my career and my friends, and I'd like for them to be here forever, so I guess loss is what scares me the most. - On the thing that scares him the most.
"I'm a little self-conscious about my body. I love to wear hoodies because you can get cozy and eat some food and your belly doesn't show!"
On love: "Don't place expectations on someone. Enjoy the time you have together, and let it go where it goes."
"I love cookies baking. During the winter, they have these candles that smell like cookies, and I always buy like a hundred of them."
"My drama coach gave me a lot of self-confidence when I wasn't sure of myself."
"Just be yourself and the right guy will come along, whether it be today, tomorrow, or next year. It'll happen!"
We'll also discover that things that go bump in the night aren't the only reasons to be afraid in this world.
I play this really arrogant, head-of-the-class football captain, too-rich-for-his-own-good kid. You can guess what happens.
Like in the pilot, ... I see Jesse (Sam's girlfriend) on the ceiling burning. Obviously she's not on the ceiling burning, but still I had to lay down and look up, start yelling and screaming, and they set fire around me and had me run out of the room.
Jon Bon Jovi plays this teacher and we're the students in his class. He creates a game about a serial killer but then it starts happening to us,
We're not exactly the Brady Bunch,
is not your typical horror or slasher movie. It's meant to be a thriller with an edge and a lesson to it.
It's a spooky show, with tons of archetypes and tons of mythology,
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