

wjerryz over a year ago

Love ya. Janis

wjerryz over a year ago

Will always be remembered. Love always

oscard over a year ago

No one has ever come close to or ever will come close to Janis J. I think it is not known really if she was ever really in a real long relationship with anyone.

di7234241109 over a year ago

sadly missed

Vyvienne over a year ago

She had a relationship with Cohen-thats defo more than an encounter!She was never with Robert Plant -he was intrigued by he was with Joni Mitchell.but thats all.Live on Forever JJ xox

chuck jarvie over a year ago

love you Janis

Harrison_s_1_fan over a year ago

Right on Kelsey! As for the rest of you, unless you knew her personally, how would you know who she did or did not date?

laura over a year ago

I have been hearing for sooooooooooo long about a bio-pic. The first time was probably around 20 years ago. Even then, I thought the perfect actress to portray her would be Lily Taylor. Then I heard she was asked to play her. Lily mildly even resembles Janis. Lily has a certain rawness as an actress. She would be the perfect choice. After all these years, they have made no headway. I learned later, Lily was definetly interested, and supposedly they`ve completely ruled her out. She is a very underated actress, and as a huge fan of hers , it is sad she was not given the chance. I read in an interview she was very disapointed she didn`t get the role .Janis would be so hard to play , but I really think she would have nailed it. With a good director, of course. A good bio-pic is so hard to make. I mean, look how that idiot Oliver Stone massacred The Doors !!!

mjnyc over a year ago

I`ve read that a biopic of her was in the works several years ago but was abandoned because the gal is inimitable. The strong emotion she projected in her songs is almost overwhelming. She was one of a kind.

VAMPIRE_B over a year ago

Have been a fan of Janis` since 1968.Looking for fellow hard core fan`s.

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