

CraigSnyder over a year ago

No matter what role you see him in, he\'ll always be Tony Soprano.

gianni53 over a year ago

Great actor, got his best role so far for Tony Soprano. He was so real, so human in that role. I can\'t wait to see another series with him in it!

jenny1983 over a year ago

Played an amazing part as Tony Soprano. More soprano\'s please David Chase!

omarsclub over a year ago

one of the best tv actors ever for his portrayal of Tony Soprano every emotion possible from love to murder and back, real shame the series ended i would imagine it took its toll for the years he played the part, he probably nothing like the character at all, great supporting cast too i hope he does great work in the future.

heatherachase over a year ago

LOVE him in The Sopranos and Get Shorty

c8923Celebs over a year ago

You know it was the cigar,the movie from Dusk till Dawn gave me the hint,but yea when I put onsome wait when I was age 20 when I dated Nicole thats when they started to snap! then I got ripped they stopped and then later on the wait again like a football player off season the snap! like again! ahh :-/)

atlantis over a year ago

i love James Gandolfini.he is a greatest actor and man.his eyes says ``love me ,ý am very good man..``i would like to meet and see him one day in real life .

EIO over a year ago

I can`t believe this!! nobody wrote anything! H He is the greatest TV actor in the greatest TV show ever!

AUSSIE LADY over a year ago

Whoever has the chance to have a conversation with James is one lucky person. He is the most intriguing and intelligent actor ever.

Jennifer over a year ago

Married or not, I would love to have the opportunity to meet Jim, James. I need to do a documentary like the guy did on "My Date With Drew", except mine would be, "My Date With James". I would love nothing more in life than to have the honor of meeting him in person.

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