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(On being a leading man) "I'm like a fireman. When I go out on a call, I want to put out a big fire, I don't want to put out a fire in a dumpster."

"I don't use any particular method. I'm from the lets-pretend school of acting."

I don't do stunts - I do running, jumping and falling down. After 25 years I know exactly what I'm doing."

"You know you are getting old when all the names in your black book have MD after them."

"Starring in a science fiction film doesn't mean you have to act science fiction."

Whoever had the bright idea of putting Indiana Jones in a leather jacket and a fedora in the jungle ought to be dragged into the street and shot."

(asked if he believes in "the Force":) "I think the Force is in you. Force yourself."

(on Star Wars) - "I understood the impact of those movies because I had young children who watched them religiously. I saw the Star Wars films so often in my house that I ended up knowing all of the other actors lines."

If people recognize me when I'm out in public, I'm very nice to them. I'm very nice to people even when they don't recognize me. I don't even mind if people come up to me while I'm eating dinner, but if they recognize me while I'm having sex, I refuse to sign autographs.

(On playing Indianna Jones again) "No one wants to see a hero have to pick up his cane to hit someone, but I'm still quite fit enough to fake it."

Different clothes, different character. That's how I feel about it. (From an interview explaining that Indiana Jones was not the same character as Han Solo)

(Acknowledging that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg originally wanted another actor to play Indiana Jones): "My playing Indy was mentioned to me about only six weeks before shooting started, but being second choice wasn't at all offensive. I would always assume that it would be normal for a director - once having worked with an actor in a particular part - not to think of him for something else. I'd presume that he'd want to accentuate the difference between the two characters by having another actor. I was more than happy when they did ask me to play Indiana Jones, because it promised to be a terrific role in a great film."

Once a film is finished, it's over for me. I'm on to something else. (explaining his disinterest in reliving the role of Han Solo, even after the Star Wars trilogy was reissued in 1997)

(Asked if he would ever play Indiana Jones again) "In a New York minute".

I used to shake my head, as in No, I just look like him." But that's not fair. So I said to those little old ladies at Trenton airport, "Yes, I am Harrison Ford". And they still didn't believe it was me."

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