

lizalcala over a year ago

I have always adored her and her beauty even at her age she was still gorgous i cried when they had her funaral on days u will be missed very much R.I.P :)

lynne over a year ago

I` ve watched Days as far back to when Elvis first got married,ive been a fan every since,Alice and Tom were the ones whom gave Days the warm and comfort a home needs.I looked forward to seeing their roles being played.I was sad when Tom died,and even sadder that Alice is gone.There or not many that remain of the Oldies.I miss Marlena .and Roman too.

carl milito over a year ago

i have her recipe for her famous donuts she made on Days Of Our Lives they are better than what you get at that other famous donut shop...

Hubert Beck over a year ago

Acted in plays with Frances at the Playhouse/ Always admired her work/ Warned her about TV/no future/we were pals /I shall miss her like crazy!

gerpie over a year ago

I have watched Days since Day 1 Im 43 going on 44 days is going on 45 this year!!! Frances Reid has been a fravite as Grandma Horton. Im deaf and just enjoy watching her when she first met Benji when he was little and she was trying to sign I love you. that was so sweet. I miss not seeing her now I hope she is ok what happened to her???

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