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Top 10 Forest Whitaker Songs

1 Samurai Code Final Quote
2 Samurai Code Quote #5
3 samurai code quote
4 Bad Books
5 Samurai Code Final Quote #7
6 Veganarchist (The Vegan Way)
7 Can't Stop Praising His Name
8 Genetically Modified Organism (the Trend Vegan)
9 Monsanto
11 Global Tyrant

All Forest Whitaker Songs

Full list of Forest Whitaker songs, listed alphabetically:

  1. 01 Monsanto
  2. 02 Veganarchist (The Vegan Way)
  3. 03 Genetically Modified Organism (the Trend Vegan)
  4. 04 The Raw Vegan (i've been eating them and they're so good)
  5. 05 Global Tyrant
  6. 08 Saturday Night (Misfits Cover)
  7. 15. Samurai Code Quote
  8. And Worst Album Award Goes To.....
  9. As (with Jacob Latimore and Jennifer Hudson)
  10. As (with Jennifer Hudson)
  11. Attack of the Killer Grapes (Intro)
  12. Bad Books
  13. Bad Books Cover
  14. Be Grateful (with Jennifer Hudson, Forest Whitaker, Jacob Latimore, and Luke James)
  15. Be Grateful (with Jennifer Hudson, Jacob Latimore, and Luke James)
  16. Bite Broccoli You Scum...
  17. Bite It You Scum (Cover)
  18. Bite It You Scum (cover)
  19. Bite It You Scum (cover G.G. Allin)
  20. Bite It You Scum (GG Allin Cover)
  21. Brother Ali
  22. Can't Stop Praising His Name
  23. Don't Stop Me Now (Queen Cover Karaoke)
  24. Eine Zweite Chance
  25. First Daughter
  26. Forest Whitaker Introduction
  27. Genetically Modified Organism (the Trend Vegan)
  28. Global Tyrant
  29. Good Vibrations (Marky Mark and The Funky Bunch Cover)
  30. Good Vibrations (cover)
  31. Good Vibrations (Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch Cover)
  32. Good Vibrations (marky mark cover)
  33. hagakure
  34. Hell Sendero....
  35. Hell Sendero 666 (you are the murderers)
  36. Hootie And The Magical Blobfish
  37. Hope Floats
  38. I Be Bangin?
  39. In the Black Caulderon is Vegetable Stew
  40. In the Black Cauldron is Vegetable Stew
  41. Interlude - Samurai Code Quote 5
  42. Intro
  43. Lucky Theres A Family Guy (Phony Boloney)
  44. Mijo Knows Best
  45. Monsanto
  46. (Night of the Living Dead Farm Animals)
  47. Pastors Smell Like Shit
  48. Phony Bologna
  49. Samurai Code #5
  50. Samurai Code #7
  51. Samurai Code Final Paragraph
  52. Samurai Code Final Quotation
  53. Samurai Code Final Quote #7
  54. Samurai Code Final Quote - Forest Whitaker
  55. Samurai Code Final Quote (Outro)
  56. Samurai Code Quotation
  57. Samurai Code Quotation #5
  58. samurai code quote
  59. Samurai Code Quote 4
  60. Samurai Code Quote 5
  61. Samurai Code Quote5
  62. Samurai Quote 5 (Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai)
  63. Samurai Showdown
  64. Saturday Night
  65. Super Saiyan
  66. Thank Me Later
  67. the Evil Captain Vegetable
  68. the Farmer's Market (Outro)
  69. the Good, the Bad, and the Grimace
  70. The Invaders (Thanksgiving Day)
  71. The Mantis and the Moon
  72. the Mijo Zone
  73. The Raw Vegan (i've been eating them and they're so good)
  74. The Resistance
  75. the Road
  76. the Vegan Bazaar
  77. The Way Of The Samurai Is Found In Death
  78. Title Not Found!
  79. True Lies
  80. Vegan Void Entity
  81. Veganarchist (The Vegan Way)
  82. Walking Through The Darkness - Tekitha
  83. What?!..A Super Saiyan...
  84. Your Scene Is Dead....
  85. Samurai Code Final Quote
  86. Samurai Code Quote #5
  87. Samurai Code Quote #6

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