(about the relationship with David Boreanaz) We have open communication, which is something we've had from beginning. Like he said, we just tell each other if we're in a mood or if the other one is annoying you or something.
(laughter) We accept that we're not perfect. I think one thing, too, is that we both know how important this relationship is -- both on-screen and off -- and how important it is for us to get along together on-screen and off. We both have a commandment to the show. Like David said, for six seasons we would meet on every weekend and work on stuff together. Now, we do stuff on our own. Our families have expanded and lives have changed, but we have that foundation. We're really committed to making the show as good as it can be, and part of that is getting along on-screen and off, like I said. David's a really fun guy to work with. He's not like a dark person. He can play that -- he can do deep, serious stuff -- but we both believe in having a good time. We're not doing brain surgery here. We're not curing cancer. We're entertaining people. We absolutely can have fun while we're doing that and have fun together and with everybody else on our crew and cast. I'm really lucky that David is such a fun person to work with -- and a great guy.