He's got a fan base that won't quit. He's been getting consistently poor marks from the judges, but is still staying around.
It's perfect timing. I couldn't ask for a better scenario in my life. I'm the luckiest man in the world right now.
It's going to be a busy couple of weeks here. But I'm definitely ready to move from this baby to my baby.
We've been doing five days a week, four hours a day.
It just kind of happened spontaneously. If I had to do it over again, I might not have done it but you know!
Do it so it looks like fun. That's what our strengths have been. I may not be as technically sound as people like Stacy, but I think people enjoy watching us more.
I'm the luckiest man in the world right now.
It's a lot of fun, but my body's definitely telling me that it's glad that it's over. It's sore. It's tired. It's like you get hit by this wave and you get knocked down by this dance. You come up for air and feel like you're getting your bearings again and all of a sudden 'boom,' another week comes and you got to learn another dance.
I'm happy to take a little of the pressure off of him. He has been getting the short-end for a while. It's great just to be able to perform and get out here and do what I love doing, which is entertaining people.
It was there. What else can I grab? She is not wearing anything else! I guess ABC, and their parent companies, don't find my humor as humorous as I do, so, maybe I need a cable show, not network!
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