
Main Details






Hámori Barbara

Péter Politzer

Örs Koblicska

Csilla Hajósi Szabó

András Gábor Szöke

Iván Balázs

Ottó Bánovits

Daniel Zsingor

Márk Horváth

Petrezselyem László

Márk Radnai

Miklós Borsos

Dániel Erdélyi

Balázs Lóth

Dániel Reich

Péter Fazakas

Tamás Dömötör



Gábor Olivér Buss

Kristóf Bánszki

Ildikó Dancsecs

Zsófia Faragó

Boldizsár Fehér

Péter Fábián

Attila Herrmann

Hámori Barbara

Zsuzsanna Tóth

Orsolya Vida



Hámori Barbara
producer / showrunner

Iván Kapitány
creative producer / executive producer

Judit Dioszegi
executive producer

Zsolt Szabo
line producer

Mihály Boris

Daniel Zsingor
creative producer

Original Music


Arthur Valentin Grósz



Patrick Linn

Gergely Tímár

Zoltan Mayer

Máté Nagyistók

Péter Virág

Márk Töttös

Róbert Adok

Gábor Málics

Róbert Patócs

Marcell Simó

Ádam Benkõ

Frigyes Kapitány

Zoltan Mayer

László Blahó



Sándor Anhalt

Poós A. Márton

Iván Balázs

Mano Csillag

Casting Director


Dóra Rónay

Production Designer


Simon Balázs

Makeup Department


Linda Rimár
makeup artist

Jancsi Adrienn
key hair stylist

Janka Bernadett
key makeup artist

Production Manager


Daniel Rozgonyi
assistant production manager / unit manager / production manager

Fruzsina Kalamár

Dóri Jobban
unit manager

Ferenc Jobban
production manager

Zsolt Szöke
production manager

Farkas Esztella
production coordinator

Zsolt Kelemen
production manager

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director


Daniel Zsingor
first assistant director

Zemlényi András
second assistant director

Anna Gedeon
first assistant director

Adel Lengyel
second assistant director

Gergely Orbán
second assistant director / additional second assistant director

Majoros Dániel
first assistant director

Zsuzsi Kovács
first assistant director

Gábor Palotás
second assistant director

Gergely Riba
second assistant director

Petrezselyem László
second assistant director

Art Department


László Süveg
property master

András Blahó
supervising art director

Svajer László
graphic designer

Sound Department


Adam Csermely
boom operator

Horváth Ádám
boom operator / sound mixer

Tamás Darida
sound mixer

Kerekes Gábor
supervising sound editor

Ottlakán Renátó
sound editor

Visual Effects


Ádám Besenyöi
visual effects

Viktor Szemerey
visual effects

Camera and Electrical Department


Balázs Molnár
first assistant camera/second assistant camera

Bálint Kecskeméti
first assistant camera / second assistant camera

Gergely Tuli
focus puller / assistant camera

Jonatán Urbán
second assistant camera

Peter Varnai
focus puller

Kristóf Koós
second assistant camera

Richárd Viesz
b camera operator

Imre Korcz

Harlon Syamsuddin

Márton F. Tóth
first assistant camera

Ádam Benkõ
camera operator

Dvornik Dániel
assistant camera

Bence Prokop
assistant camera / first assistant camera

Áron Farkas
focus puller

Levente Györgypál
second assistant camera

Gábor Pápai
grip car rigging

Máté Tarr
first assistant camera

Casting Department


Márta Liener
extras casting

Costume and Wardrobe Department


Alexa Lancsák

Fenes Klaudia
key costumer

Anikó Rimóczi

Editorial Department


Mate Ternyik

Gábor Balla

Réka Hain

Ági Grunwalsky

Szabolcs Kovari

Luca Anna Molnár
assistant editor

Gergely Murányi

Dániel Peller

Marianna Rudas

Dorottya Szajkó
assistant editor

Barbara Vukov
post-production coordinator

Zsófia Ördög

Poós A. Márton

Music Department


Tamás Darida
music supervisor

Script And Continuity Department


Eszter Bea Bottka
script supervisor

Milán Gyurina
script supervisor

Bora Schlachtovszky
script supervisor

Kristóf Bánszki
script editor

Balogh Dóra
script supervisor

Zsuzsanna Tóth

Viktor Bereczki
script editor

Gábor Olivér Buss
script supervisor

Additional Crew


Fruzsina Kalamár
line producer assistant

Petrezselyem László
production assistant

Eszter Toth
production assistant

Dániel Becságh
production assistant

Starosta József Mihály
standby armourer

Gábor Molnár
Medical Supervisor

Production Companies


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