

Lizzy over a year ago

................and not a bad word said about her. Thumbs up to her!!! and she does not seem fame hungry either. oooooo

Adlai Estrada Agüero over a year ago

is a good coople, I am from Perú,

Rick over a year ago

You are the best role model in the world. You successfully run a multi-million dollar business and maintain a loving home relationship. Congrats and keep it up. I will never stop listening to your music.......very good

Luciana over a year ago

Eu acho que o Jon é muuuiita areia pra essa Dorothea... Acho ela muito feia para ele, mas o amos é cego, né?

CATHERINE SMITH over a year ago


Mariana Andrade de Castro over a year ago

Eu, sinceramente, não acho Dorothea bonita,sem dizer que fisicamente,ela está muito fora de forma(conforme algumas fotos dela que vi na praia). Doroteha podia fazer alguma coisa na vida, como cursar uma faculdade ou escrever um livro, ao invés de só fazer filhos e viver à sombra de JOn.

Claudia over a year ago

Admiro a Dorothea por mantener su motrimonio y romance vivo aún después de 20 as!!! Creo que le das fuerza a mi Jon, Dorothea! Bien!

trcy morrison over a year ago

You both are defernately a great couple,you both have hearts of gold jon is an inspiration and touched the hearts of people all around the world there should be more men like jon on this earth your one lucky lady..

Karen over a year ago

Bravo, Jon! Just saw you on msnbc and I thank you for helping those people, something I always wanted to do but never did. Shame on me, salute to you and your wife!

wendy over a year ago

Everything about you is, friends, fans. You have made a lifetime of music without sacrificing your heart and soul. You have never sold out. Bon Jovi does not need to swear or talk about drugs to sell records. GOD BLESS.

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