

halfgoofy over a year ago

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halfgoofy over a year ago

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halfgoofy over a year ago

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halfgoofy over a year ago

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halfgoofy over a year ago

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halfgoofy over a year ago

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Emendes over a year ago

I think there's a huge mistake here. Dolores Hawkins was a popular singer. There's also a top model with the same name (Dolores Hawkins), and very famous in the fifties. This topic is about the singer and the photos are from the model.

cori weber phelps over a year ago

My name is Cori Weber Phelps. I am Dolores Hawkins Phelps daughter in law. Ypur information on Dolores is actually partially false. Yes, she did date Gardner McKay, and yes she was a famous model in the 50`s and 60`s, however she is not from Brooklyn, NY. She is from a small town out side of NY, NY. Also, she is most certainly not dead! She is alive and well! Also, she has green eyes not blue. They look blue in some pics but they are green. A little research will confirm this information. Sincerely, Cori Weber Phelps

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