
Main Details






Had a relationship with actor Dado Dolabella.

Girlfriend of football player Roger Flores.

Ex-girlfriend of singer Marcelo Falcão, leader of rock band "O Rappa".

Posed twice for Brazilian Playboy: August 1999 and August 2002.

Has a grandmother named Eulália.

Has a brother named Ricardo Fialho Secco and a sister named Bárbara Fialho Secco.

Was supposed to participate in the play "Dois na Gangorra" with Marcello Novaes, but finally canceled her participation due to exhaustion.

Parents: Silvia Regina Fialho and Ricardo Tindó Secco.

Lived with TV director Rogério Gomes.

Had a brief relationship with actor Marcelo Faria during "Celebridade" (TV series).

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