Now, music seems to be very slick and very produced on computers. Our music now is on the raw side, on The Rolling Stones side. We're a bit looser, and the kids look at us like The Rolling Stones now because we're not auto-tuning the vocals and quantizing the drums and all this stuff. We call it actual reality, not virtual reality. We actually play!
We're very sensitive when we get bad reviews. I try to brush them off, but we take them very personal. Over the years we've tried to let it roll off our back. We realize we can't please everybody, but the fact we've been around 35 years and people still enjoy our music says something.
When Rosanna got record of the year, which was a song very close to my heart, Elton John was the first guy in the audience who stood up and applauded. Elton John, to me, is on the level of The Beatles as far as talent and the legacy he's left. To be respected by even one person of that caliber filled my heart and just validated us in front of everybody.
There's still a couple I'd like to work with that are still on my bucket list. One is The Rolling Stones - I've been a fan forever, and I'd just fit in perfect with that band.
There's still time. I've told Peter Gabriel and met Sting. I've sent out some feelers. I feel like an eager young kid.... 'If someone can't make it or someone gets sick, tell them to call me!' I've actually done that, believe it or not.
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