
Daniel Auteuil and Anne Jousset (Couple)

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Daniel Auteuil and Anne Jousset
Date Dating 1978
Date Married 1979
Date Divorced 1984
Relationship Type Married
Relationship Status Divorced
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Daniel Auteuil & Anne Jousset (m.1979 - div.31 October 1983) (1 child)

Before living a long relationship with Aude Ambroggi, Daniel Auteuil lived several romantic idylls. One of them was with actress Anne Jousset, in the late '70s.

It was in the late '70s that they crossed paths at a dinner with a mutual friend. Following her meeting with Daniel Auteuil, she will become the mum of Aurore, who will follow the traces of her parents by also launching into the world of the 7th art, years later. But concerning her relationship with Daniel Auteuil, it will end when the actor crosses paths with the sublime Emmanuelle Béart, with whom he will fall madly in love on the set of Love on the sly.

Daughter Aurore Auteuil is also an actor


Between 1978 and 1984, Daniel Auteuil shared his life with Anne Jousset. From their love was born Aurore Auteuil on the 28th of March 1981. As she grew up, the young woman quickly followed in her parents' footsteps. The 43-year-old actress took her first steps in French cinema in the film Le Placard by Francis Veber in 2001.

Her career took another turn thanks to Olivier Marchal who gave her a role in 36 Quai des Orfèvres in 2004 before moving on to star in Lisa Azuelos' comedy Comme t'y es belle alongside Michèle Laroque in 2006.

And when the mother of three children is not on the film sets, she finds herself on the theater stage. In 2019, she caused a sensation in the adaptation of Le Malade Imaginaire, by Molière, directed by her father at the Paris theatre.

Extremely proud of his sparkling and talented daughter, Daniel Auteuil had said about her, in The Parisian: "She makes me laugh and I sometimes wonder where she will get it all when she gives way to her fantasy. But I feel, in her eyes, there is this something, I tell myself that it's my daughter".


Given Name(s)
Date of Birth

Aurore  Female

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