CSI: Vegas (Crime Scene Investigation: Vegas) is an American crime drama television series that debuted on CBS on October 6, 2021. It is a revival of the 2000–2015 series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (CSI: Las Vegas), and the fifth and final series in the CSI franchise. The series stars Paula Newsome, Matt Lauria, Mandeep Dhillon, and Mel Rodriguez as new characters. William Petersen and Jorja Fox reprised their roles from CSI: Crime Scene Investigation as Gil Grissom and Sara Sidle during the first season before departing, while Marg Helgenberger reprises her CSI: Crime Scene Investigation role as Catherine Willows beginning with season two. Wallace Langham, Paul Guilfoyle and Eric Szmanda also reprise their roles as David Hodges, Jim Brass and Greg Sanders, in a guest capacity.