During the early years of Nazi occupation of France in World War II, romance blooms between Lucile Angellier (Michelle Williams), a French villager, and ...more »
The Diplomat is an upcoming British political thriller series written by Ben Richards and directed by Jill Robertson and Jenny Paddon. It stars Sophie ...more »
Treason is a British television miniseries created by Matt Charman for the streaming service Netflix. It stars Olga Kurylenko, Oona Chaplin, Ciarán Hinds ...more »
Sherwood is a British television crime drama series, created and written by James Graham. It stars David Morrissey and is inspired by real life murders ...more »
After viewing a strangely familiar video nasty, Enid, a film censor, sets out to solve the past mystery of her sister's disappearance, embarking on a quest ...more »