Lost Boy: Peter, is that really you? You got old.
Sweet Pete: Yeah, death is coming for us all kid.
DJ Herzogenaurach: Ooh, they were very bad at rapping. Oh hey bob, you are never going to believe who I just met!
Ugly Sonic: oh? you want me to fast? that's sonic's thing. ugly sonic goes
(slow motion close up on human teeth)
Ugly Sonic: slowww, babyyy.
DJ Herzogenaurach: Hey, I know you
Chip: Oh no
Dale: We're cooked
DJ Herzogenaurach: You're the Rescue Rangers, I am huge fanboy!
Shredder Arm: Two Words: CHIPMUNK SOUP!
Gadget Hackwrench: Honey! Someone's doing a cool pose in the driveway!
Bull Co-Worker: Hey, hey. Congrats! Employee of the month again.
Chip: Thanks, Bruno.
Bull Co-Worker: Wanna get a drink to celebrate?
Human Co-Worker: Yeah, you never hang out.
Chip: Sorry, everyone. Can't tonight. Millie's waiting for me. But thanks for the invite.
Frog Co-Worker: (RIBBITS) Are you sure don't wanna see my new pad?
Chip: (CHUCKLES) Oh, pad. Frog-based humor. No thanks.
Frog Co-Worker: (LAUGHS) That's just a taste of what you get from me outside the work environment.
Zipper: Dale, old chum, the sight of you sets my heart aglow!
(Chip and Dale run under a Masters of the Universe table)
He-Man: Hey, there's something down there!
Skeletor: There's nothing down there, you boob! Hah! You walk around with no pants long enough, you start to feel every breeze...
Pete: Hey, get outta the way, you little yahoo! Movie It! You're messing up here.
(Pete grabbled by Sweet Pete)
Sweet Pete: Comming through!
Chip: Grab on.
(Chip and Dale jumped on Magic Carpet)
Chip: Whoa
(Sweet Pete shooting Chip and Dale, and then they jumped off Magic Carpet. Sweet Pete smash stage prop, the crew members flee. He roaring while Welcome, Prince Jahli! banner falls to the ground)
Dale: Listen, I get how you feel. Things didn't workout the way you wanted, right? You had big hopes and dreams and well, the world just sort of breaks your heart.
Chip: And it feels like the only emotions you have left are anger and loneliness. But, you're not alone. None of us are.
Sweet Pete: Wow, it's true. You two really are THE WORST ACTORS IN HOLLYWOOD!
(laughs evilly)
DJ Herzogenaurach: Hey, I know you!
Chip: Oh no!
Dale: We're cooked!
DJ Herzogenaurach: You're the Rescue Rangers. I am huge fanboy!
Ugly Sonic: Oh? You want me to be fast? That's Sonic's thing. Ugly Sonic goes
(slow motion close up on human teeth)
Ugly Sonic: slowww, babyyy.
Pete: Hey, get outta the way, you little yahoos. Move it! You're messing up here.
(Pete grabbled by Sweet Pete)
Sweet Pete: Coming through!
Chip: Grab on.
(Chip and Dale jumped on the magic carpet)
Chip: Whoa.
(Sweet Pete is shooting at Chip and Dale. They jump off the magic carpet. Sweet Pete smashes the stage prop and the crew members flee. He roars while the "Welcome, Prince Jahli!" banner falls to the ground)
Ellie: (to Putty) You're under arrest, you low rent Gumby.
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