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didn't realize it (The Mask (1994)) was a fairly large film that I was a part of. Halfway through I was going, 'Is there any place that my mom and dad can see this film?' and they're going, 'Cameron, at the theatres.' I had no idea. Durrrrrrr. I'm blonde. I'm allowed.

On Being John Malkovich (1999): "It's been said that in Hollywood there are only 14 different scripts. Well, this is number 15."

Your regrets aren't what you did, but what you didn't do. So I take every opportunity.

I grew up with a lot of boys. I probably have a lot of testosterone for a woman.

Growing up, I was the plain one. I had no style. I was the tough kid with the comb in the back pocket and the feathered hair.

I would kiss a frog even if there were no promise of a Prince Charming popping out of it. I love frogs. I'd lick him.

"What we women need to do, instead of worrying about what we don't have, is just love what we do have." quoted Women's World (6-14-05)

"I'm like every other woman: a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear: So I wear jeans." quoted in Woman's World 1-3-06

The last couple of years were hell. Like, I can't even tell you, it was so hard. I didn't know how to handle it. But I think I'm in a much better place now, because I stepped away for a second and took a breath. Hollywood is a funny place. It offers so much, but it can also take a lot away from you.

Cameron: Life is a journey. My life is no different than anyone else's life, and some days I've got it all figured out and other days I'm like, 'What the hell is going on?' That's the human experience

Cameron: I used to be able to eat anything I wanted and then go right to bed. Fried chicken, onion rings, half a bottle of wine. But as you get older, your insides rebel

Cameron: It would be great to start a family at some point. (But) I like my sleep. That's why I don't want a baby right now. I want my sleep

Cameron: (On her body) It’s a roller coaster like any other relationship you have. Like with your car, you’re like, ‘I just love this car- it drives so fast!’ And then you’re like, ‘God, I really need a new car...I wish I at least had another cupholder

Cameron: (on being involved in the "Shrek" movies) I like being a part of something that has such integrity, that delivers a message as well as providing entertainment, that pushes the limits every time, particularly with technology. Every time they deliver something new and better than they did before, so just being a part of that is really wonderful

Cameron: (declaring she thinks sex holds the key to all of life’s problems) Sex is the most amazing stress-reliever. I think it’s the best thing for everything. It should be 100 per cent part of everyone’s life on a day-to-day basis. We’d all be a lot happier! I love to get my heart rate up and I love sweating. Sex is undoubtedly the best way to do that!

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