

Virgie Taylor over a year ago

This is how rumors get started the facts should be told!

Onsweroflove over a year ago

WHEN I WAS YOUR MAN\' was written for CHANEL MALVAR, NOT jessica. Jessica Is a model not a dancer. Chanel is a dancer and why the hell do you think he name the song "when I WAS your man"??? Bruno Is now dating jessica caban so just putting It out there for the newbies that believes when I was your man was for jessica

nes over a year ago

forget about it. shes now with jessica caban another not so pretty woman

Virgie Denise Taylor over a year ago

her sign is cancer june 27th

Virgie Denise Taylor over a year ago

the whole world thinks the worst he still loves chanel malvar

kai over a year ago

Chanel Malvar and Bruno Mars made a cute couple. Shame that they are not together. Chanel Malvar seems to be a real down to earth person. Hard to meet people like her in this kind of business. Hope Bruno wakes up and apologizes to this girl. She may not be the most beautiful girl in the world, but she is real and genuine and she still loves Bruno Mars in her heart.

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