Avril Lavigne and Deryck Whibley

Avril Lavigne and Deryck Whibley (Couple)

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Date Dating February 2004
Date Engaged June 2005
Date Married 15 July 2006
Date Separated 4 September 2009
Date Divorced 16 November 2010
Relationship Type Married
Relationship Status Divorced
Where/How First Met When Avril Was Seventeen
Couple Notable Fact She helped him leaving drugs
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Avril and Deryck met in 2002 when she was 17 and became friends. They began to date two years after that.

He proposed to her in a romantic day in Venice on June 2005.

On the 15 July 2006 they married in Montecito.

Although they separated on September 2009 and the divorce was finished on November 2010, they remain friends.

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