Jules (formerly Annie) started participating in gymnastics at the age of 3. Over the years, she has participated in several age-group competitions such as 1st Class Gymnastics, Docksiders Gymnastics, and Champions Gymnastics.
She was earlier part of the group that operated sevenawesomekids YouTube channel. She later left the channel to focus on her gymnastics practice.
Along with her family, she has three pet dogs, Winnie, Piper, and Gigi. They had two other dogs as well – Rylie and Toshi, but both passed away in 2013 on different occasions.
She is also part of the YouTube collaborative channel, Gymscool.
In October 2020, she officially changed her first name from “Annie” to “Jules”. Her real name is neither of these. It is Julianna Grace LeBlanc.
In July 2022, Jules was involved in an accident after she was struck by a drunk driver while she and some of her friends were crossing a crosswalk in Santa Monica.
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