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Geraldine Page
Ruth Sobotka
Barnard Hughes
Blossom Seeley
Eleanor Roosevelt
George Plimpton
Jacqueline Susann
Jimmie Rodgers
John Ashley
Lotte Lenya
Marguerite Clark
Ninetta Sunderland
Robert Montgomery
Ron Silver
Sidney Blackmer
Valerie French
John Garfield
Aileen Pringle
Anna Sten
Catherine Dale Owen
Maggie McNamara
Jerome Robbins
Werner Klemperer
Ayn Rand
Peter Arno
Hugh Marlowe
Ileen Getz
Jerome Hines
Bill Evans
Lorraine Hansberry
John H. Collins
Mary Doran
Edna Wallace Hopper
Nina Mae McKinney
Luli Deste
Klaus Nomi
Clarine Seymour
Julian Eltinge
Helen Gahagan
Marguerite Marsh
Irving Berlin
Elaine Barrie
Muriel Hutchison
Louis Bennison
Mary Thurman
Eric Carr
Jamie Gillis
Alan King
Max Cantor
Robert Lansing
Ralph Morgan
Farley Granger
Alan Curtis
Karen Blanguernon
John Heisman
Berkeley Harris
Judith Lowry
Peter Kapetan
Danny Zorn
Dorothy Smoller
Wheaton Galentine
Maggie Task
Mary Peterson
Charles Adler
Sara Adler
Roy Milton Davis
Jack Bittner
Urbain J. Ledoux
Sara Anne Jones
John Alexander Low Waddell
Al Shean
Robert Ross (Performance Artist)
David Savage
Mark Gordon
Nela Młynarska
Pat McBride
Matteo De Cosmo
Celeste Fuentes
Lawrence Clayton
Patricia Powell
Mary Brady
Tom Wahman
Albert Hamilton Gordon
Peter McKinney
Bruce Hubbard
George Marion Jr.
Grace Perkins
Leo D. Maloney
Rosina Henley
Norton S. Parker
Edna G. Riley
Hal Jackson
George Wheeler
Caroline Pratt (educator)
John Hays Hammond, Jr.
Julio Alpuy
Vivian Springford
Verner Clarges
David Warfield
Joseph R. Grismer
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