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Sid Vicious
Elizabeth Kemp
Marsha P. Johnson
Reg E. Cathey
Carole Shelley
Randy Weston
John Bennes
Carol Hall
Fredric Stone
Raven Wilkinson
Lucy Jarvis
Chad Brown
Kiing Shooter
Stanley Crouch
Prince Nikita Romanov
Earl Manigault
Albie Booth
Phoebe Ephron
Kathleen Collins
Edward Sheldon
Samson Raphaelson
Milan Stitt
Owen Davis
H.S. Kraft
Marc Spitz
Mark O'Donnell
Thomas Heggen
Aurand Harris
Jack Kirkland
Langdon McCormick
Philip S. Goodman
Janice Torre
George Haimsohn
Harriet Ford
George Parsons Lathrop
Celia Logan
Claude Gravereaux
André Previn
Mark Warnow
Miff Mole
Tadeusz Adamowski
Cyrus Vance
Osceola Archer
Arthur McGee
Fabrice Simon
Elizabeth Hawes
Christian Blackwood
Paul Chambers
Joe Shulman
Hayes Alvis
James Lenox
Samuel Henry Kress
Henry Walters
James Cash Penney
Alta Rockefeller Prentice
Anna M. Harkness
Donald Othmer
James H. Roosevelt
Ed Gagliardi
Ruth Benedict
Ruth Bunzel
William H. Osborn
Freddy Beras-Goico
Leon Levy
Zachary Fisher
Joseph M. Proskauer
Joan Whitney Payson
Mark McCormack
William Backhouse Astor, Sr.
Preston Robert Tisch
Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage
John Stewart Kennedy
Anson Phelps Stokes
Augustus G. Paine, Jr.
Iris Love
Dudley Sutphin
Willie Crilley
Alfredo "Chocolate" Armenteros
Sonny Fortune
Milt Jackson
Kenny Dorham
Booker Little
Jo Jones
Ann Ronell
Zoot Sims
Clifford Jordan
Bud Powell
Kai Winding
George Shearing
Sam Coslow
Stanley Turrentine
Frank Wess
Fats Navarro
Sandy Williams
Ward Pinkett
Marlowe Morris
Nat Jaffe
Ray Kennedy (pianist)
Cathleen Synge Morawetz
Elihu Root
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