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Peter Sellers
Vivien Leigh
Dirk Bogarde
Kay Kendall
Diana Wynyard
George Best
Herbert Wilcox
Laurence Harvey
Leueen MacGrath
Robert Donat
Sarah Churchill
Ursula Jeans
George Arliss
Jack Buchanan
Nicholas Clay
Dawn Addams
Evelyn Laye
Greta Gynt
Jane Baxter
Jean Cadell
Joan Greenwood
Mai Zetterling
Phyllis Calvert
Fred Zinnemann
Charles Gray
Charlotte Coleman
Mary Shelley
Anthony Forwood
Bernard Lee
Jim Capaldi
Kenneth Williams
Jack Warner
Lady Randolph Churchill
Frank Lawton
Anna Henkel-Grönemeyer
Peter Burton
Vladek Sheybal
Peter Bayliss
Bill Nagy
Michael Mellinger
Victor Brooks
Rose Alba
Leonard Sachs
Eleanor Summerfield
David Bauer
Hazel Terry
Sydney Tafler
Cyril Shaps
Milo Sperber
Paul Hardwick
Mario Fabrizi
Moira Redmond
Vanda Godsell
Maurice Kaufmann
Tutte Lemkow
Liselotte Goettinger
Colin Blakely
Ferdy Mayne
Peter Arne
Ronald Fraser
Harold Innocent
Joan Harrison
Jack Haig
Eva Hart
Hilary Minster
Elwin Neame
Betsy Blair
Robert Stephens
Denis Quilley
Helen Cherry
Anne Crawford
June Duprez
Edith Day
Sophie Stewart
Valerie Hobson
Queen Mary
H.G. Wells
Renee Houston
Evgeniy Evstigneev
Anny Ahlers
Dorothy Hyson
Peggy Ashcroft
Zena Marshall
Joan Dowling
Roxanne Arlen
Philip O'Brien
Karel Reisz
Michael Pertwee
Irene Browne
Ballard Berkeley
Philip Stone
Charles King
Bernard Levin
T.S. Eliot
Maxwell Shaw
Marianne Stone
Peter Noble
Daniel Massey
Gene Anderson
Terence Alexander
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