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Celebrity Birthplace - Toronto, Canada
Hilary Rowland
Rick Fox
Jesse Palmer
Cindy Breakspeare
Manuela Testolini
Suzanne Lloyd
Tacquira LaTouche
Shauna Robertson
Brett Hollands
Al Mukadam
Tom Burlinson
Jason Hook
Daniel Samonas
Leyla Milani
Ginevra Arabia
Eva Shaw
Stella Farentino
Margaret Bannerman
Suzanne Alexander
Sylvia Lennick
Diana Weston
Ted Ludzik
Sarah Rosete
Billy Van
Sophia Bloxam
Alberta Watson
Alice Glass
Elizabeth Minett
Colin Cole
Hal Griggs
A.J. Saudin
Clé Bennett
Drake Berehowsky
Kori Richardson
Carly Foulkes
Ellora Patnaik
Alexander De Jordy
Kate Somers
Cate Chant
Marc Bendavid
Dana Lewis
Scott Treleaven
Mark MacDonald
Lily Kwan
Jack Roberts
Lisa Norton
Oliver Pigott
Michele Chalupka
Britt Churchill
Quinn Cooper
Lili Haydn
Aaron Berg
Adrienne Lenehan
Madison Leyes
Rita Liefhebber
Allyson Baker
Leo Rautins
Ethan Rapport-Cole
Brigitte Mitchell
Serafima Kobzeva
Eric Forrest
Ellen Shantz
Evan Piccolotto
Melissa Olson
Paul Sutherland
Richard Eden
Sean T. Krishnan
Donald Sadoway
Brian Kernighan
Glenn Gould
Joe Shuster
Hal Jackman
Steven Erikson
Kay Petre
Roy Thomson, 1st Baron Thomson of Fleet
Kenny Wheeler
Napoléon Belcourt
John McKay (politician)
Carmen Silvera
Hampden Zane Churchill Cockburn
Graham Yost
George Gough Booth
Robin Spry
Taborah Johnson
Julian de Guzman
John Ross Robertson
Jim Gouk
Arthur Jeffrey Dempster
John Tait (athlete)
J. Playfair McMurrich
Thomas Molloy
James Currie (politician)
Harry Rosen
Terry O'Connor (Canadian politician)
Johnny Coulon
Lisa Wegner
Maggie Helwig
Christopher Chappell
George Dunning
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