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Celebrity Birthplace - Madison, Wisconsin, Usa
Andrea Anders
Tyne Daly
Bradley Whitford
Jenn Korbee
Imran Khan
Ian Nelson
Chris Farley
Michael Cole
Steve Green
Ted Scalissi
Travis Richey
Sandra Nelson
Annabelle Cripps
Samie Morton
J.D. Walsh
Nick Eversman
Alli Kinzel
Barbara Collentine
John Farley
Chris Tallman
Willard Waterman
Eric Heiden
Beth Heiden
Tammy Baldwin
Alice Sebold
Linda Wallem
David J. Lesar
Tracy Nelson
John A. List
Paul Gruber
Daniel Kane (mathematician)
Luke Stauffacher
Andrew Swant
Roy Welland
Erika Brown
Kathryn Morrison (legislator)
Stacey Abrams
Jake Brendel
Paul Brown (keyboardist)
Caitlin Johnston
Scott Rudolph
Dave Stalls
Taylor Louderman
Armani Jackson
Eliott Keener
Sandy Dempsey
Peter Kraus
Sophia Minnaert
Bonnie Logan
Talia Jackson
John Baltes
Kevin Croak
Liz Cheney
Nich Zuhoski
Shirley Denise
Victoria Lynne Barrett
Cammie Fox
Bernardine Flynn
Christo Landry
Abiol Lual Deng
Skyler Davenport
J. P. McKersie
Kirk Daubenspeck
Dylan Zink
Fred Buch
Ed Morgan
Phil 'Philo' Buerstatte
Quincy Tyler Bernstine
James Lee
Scott Johnson
Molly Kunz
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