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Celebrity Birthplace - London, England, United Kingdom
Scott Speedman
Skandar Keynes
Darnell Williams
Eamonn Walker
Jamie Waylett
Hayley Atwell
Nathanael Baring
Kenneth Hume
Samantha Buxton
Murray Kinnell
Hannah Taylor Gordon
Eliza Cummings-Cove
Patrick Wolf
Prince Odysseas-Kimon
Luke Worrall
Elizabeth Siddal
Romeo Beckham
Candy Davis
Holly Hale
George Hayes
John E. Burch
Lana Majstorovic
Ocean Moon
Lauren Ridealgh
Fifi Geldof
Jean Desmond
Frida Munting
John Blythe
Leomie Anderson
Alfred Hickman
Rebecca Chandler
Peter Scott
John Henry Newman
Thomas Dolby
Michael Grade
Jhumpa Lahiri
William Lloyd Webber
Spencer Perceval
Antony Armstrong-Jones Snowdon
Robin Day
Cecily Lefort
Nigel Playfair
Charles Algernon Parsons
Anne Isabella Byron, Baroness Byron
Brendan O'Connor (politician)
Hannah Primrose, Countess of Rosebery
Brooke Kinsella
Hubert Gough
Piers Haggard
Andrew Bertie
Robert Aickman
Jon King
James Dreyfus
Derek Meddings
Tony Blankley
Phil Anderson
Philip Catherine
Peter Knight (folk musician)
Anthony Way
Christopher Gable
David Gentleman
Carlton Myers
Kristen Bjorn
David Li
Lord Alfred Hayes
Kit Denton
Hope Powell
Max Pirkis
Simon Gipps-Kent
Thomas Blizard Curling
Gordon Samuels
Wayne Laryea
Samantha Beckinsale
M. C. Davies
Gary Warren
Diran Adebayo
Henry Farrer
Olga Romanoff
Johnny Lockwood
John Duffy and David Mulcahy
Freya North
Cassian Elwes
Simon Fenton
Adrian Biddle
Hardeep Singh Kohli
Frank Bernard Dicksee
Finty Williams
Sophie Barker
Leslie Grade
Jack Ellis
Joan Sydney
Jacqueline Briskin
Victoria Burgoyne
Eric Hill
Paul Ilyinsky
Greg Cruttwell
Gwendoline Butler
Mark Tildesley
Ann Davies
Anthony Davis
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