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Celebrity Birthplace - Hampstead, London, England, Uk
Elizabeth Taylor
Stephen Fry
Dirk Bogarde
Ione Skye
Marianne Faithfull
Samantha Eggar
Valerie Leon
Anna Wintour
Margaret Nolan
Josephine Tewson
Dinah Sheridan
Nicolas Coster
Michael Culver
Sue Holderness
Edward Molyneux
Catherine Steadman
Rosalyn Landor
Verity Lambert
Screaming Lord Sutch
Andrew Huxley
John Mortimer
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Jeanne Stuart
Sophie Thompson
Nick Ross
Joanna Hole
Nina Conti
Peter Glenville
Vera Clark
Daphne Guinness
Amber Aga
Paul Chapman
Daisy McAndrew
Charmian Innes
Pamela Mann
Greta Bellamacina
J.D. Wilcox
Henry Clarke (London politician)
Barbara Bolton
Dorothy Bellew
Jacqueline Curtis
Frank Gardner
Robert Tavener
Norman Ettlinger
Jeremy Mortimer
Verity Edmett
Jemma Churchill
Deirdre de Peyer
Penny Brahms
Anne Valery
Venetia Barrett
Marilyn Finlay
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